Unchanging Faith.... Changing Lives
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For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them. Matthew 18:20
St. John's Anglican Catholic Church is a community of followers of Jesus Christ, who, together, seek to proclaim the word of Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit. We understand that worship is something that can and should be lived out in all that we do, and that our faith is deeply strengthened as we come together to express our devotion and worship as one Body of Christ. The Holy Bible, the inspired Word of God, is the life story of our church. We invite you to join us at St. Johns as we continue to build upon that story today and tomorrow through the work of God's Holy Spirit. No matter who you are, there’s a special place for you at St. Johns. Come visit us in person.
Sunday Services
Morning Prayer at 9:30 AM
Mass at 10:00 AM
Coffee Hour Follows the Mass